Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Kiley Walked!!! Friday Feb 12, 2010

I was practising balance with Kiley. (1-1:30ish @ the cabin) Standing her up and letting go to see how long she could balance herself. She went 5 seconds!! I thought that was great!! But I was not prepared for what was next... We were by the couch so she could grab that to balance herself. I had the cushions off to clean them so the couch was lower and more stable then normal. She was practising walking with one hand on the couch and , to my surprise, she decided to let go and she took two (maybe three) steps towards me!!!! OMG I couldn't believe it!!
Stan was cooking in the kitchen and I yelled to him to get the flip recorder so we could try to get it on video. Kiley did not disappoint.. She did it again.. she fell and I almost missed her in the excitement lol.. but saved her in the nick of time(before her face hit the floor). hehe . here is the video:

I knew she would walk early but she is only 7 months and 19 days!! She has detested belly time since she was born so I must admit she didn't get much of it. So so far she shows no interest in crawling. As soon as I put her on her belly she will just roll over on her back. She is resisting solid foods and not even close to crawling but she has decided walking is the next step( yes pun intended). I guess she just Walks to the beat of her own drum. hehe
I called Mom to tell her about this new turn of events and Kiley did it again while I was on the phone with her. Dad said 'I told you she would skip crawling and go right to walking'. lol
I put her in her playpen to write this and she seemed to be trying to stand up. lol she ready to go again I think. Kiley you are beyond precious to me.

Mom and Dad loves you so much Kiley Rook <3

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Kiley's first Halloween

Me and dad worked all day on your costumes.. yes costumes with a 's'.. meaning two.
dad started the day before. He wanted to make you a lobster .... he was a little sick that day but was able to finish it the next day :)
and I wanted to make you a crow ( for obvious reasons)
We asked Nana over to watch you so we could finish the costumes... Halloween started at five and it was already after four! and neither your father or i had your costumes finished! You were in your swing more then usual that day because we both wanted to finish and we felt a little guilty about that. But when Nana came to help you were in no mood to cooperate. By the time we finished the costumes Halloween was almost officially over. (Halloween was 5 to 7)
It was a perfect Halloween night, it was a Saturday.. it was windy so the clouds were moving very quickly over the full moon..It was dark despite the full moon. But it was warm!! about 15 C . The wind wasn't cold either. you couldn't have asked for a better night.
Neither you father or i had much (any) experience sewing costumes nor did we have any patterns to follow. We had just decided to jump in and do the best we could with our imaginations. Both Mom and Dad's first attempt was too small and we had to start again. But in the end I think we both had costumes to be proud of. Well for 'Rooky' costume makers anyhow . haha

we had decided to put you in the crow costume.. being you are the rook.
You were teething and trying to eat the feathers so mom had to take all the feathers off the costume when we got to your grandparents house. lol We had planned to take you to Nana's and Poppies, your great Nana Burton's, Daddy's aunt and uncle Joan and sonny, and my friends Sandi and Kelly I. We arrived at your grandparents house at 6:57 and visited for a few minutes but after working all day at your costumes we (meaning Mom and Dad) were too tired do any more visiting and we went home... you did met your cousin Mitchel who also came to visit Nana and poppy... but you could take him or leave him. ha

we were going to change you into the lobster costume when we got home just for pictures.. that didn't happen that night either. But we did it a couple of days later. Here are the pictures of your first costumes. They were made with love and your Dad and me had a lot of fun doing it.